New Mexico
Genealogical and Historical
site needs to be checked to see if
the addresses are still good and add e-maill
addresses if they can be located. Please help us and if you see a correction
that needs made notify Harold
Kilmer. Thank you. This is the
only way I can keep up with this site.
This site last revised: August 14, 2012
XL 2002

Click on a county below and see what
Societies are available.

New Mexico Research Societies
History Library
Museum of New Mexico, Palace of the Governors, 120 Washington Avenue,
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501.
Phone: 505-476-5090
FAX: 505-476-5104
, e-mail: historylibrary@state.nm.us
New Mexico Jewish Historical Society, Jewish Community Center in Albuquerque, 5520 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM
87109. Phone: 505-348-4471 FAX: 505-821-3351 E-mail: admin@nmjhs.org
Museums of New Mexico -
Museum of New Mexico History
Library, 110 Washington Ave., P. O. Box 2087, Santa Fe, New Mexico,
87504-2087. Phone: 505-827-6470.
New Mexico Archives and Libraries- National Archives - Southwest Region,
501 W. Felis St., P.O. Box 6216, Fort Worth, Texas,
76115. Phone: 817-334-5625. Fax: 817-334-562. e-mail: archives@ftworth.nara.gov
for Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
New Mexico Records and Archives, 404 Montezuma Ave., Santa Fe, New Mexico,
87503. Phone: 505-827-7331. Fax: 505-827-7331.
New Mexico State Library, 325 Don Gaspar, Santa
Fe, New Mexico, 87501-2777. Phone: 505-827-3800. Fax: 505-827-3888.
Sons of the American Revolution New Mexico Society, Col. James R. Calhoun,
Pres. 12429 Chelwood Court, N.W., Albuquerque, New
Mexico, 87112.

County, Library, and Museum Societies

Albuquerque Historical Society, P.O. Box 1293, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
Eubank Family History Center, 4109 Eubank, NE, Albuquerque, NM. Phone
Haines Family History Center, 4709 Haines St., NE, Albuquerque, NM. Phone
Menual Historical Library, 301 Menaul Glve, NE, (Menual Schuool) Albuquerque, NM,
87107. (have some Presbyterian
genealogical research records)
Montano Family History Center, 100 Montano Road, NM, Albuquerque, NM.
Roman Catholic, Archdiocese of Santa Fe, 202 Morningside Dr. SE,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87108.
University of New Mexico Library, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87131. Phone:
505-277-4241. Fax: 505-277-6019.

Luna Family History Center, East Main St., LunaNM.
Phone 505-547-2762

Chaves County Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 51, Roswell, New Mexico,
Chaves County Genealogy and History Societies, Florence Hamilton, 807 N.
Missouri, Roswell, New Mexico, 88201. Phone: 505-624-2477.
Chaves County Genealogy, Vicki Stratton, P. O. Box 1085, Roswell, New
Mexico, 88201. Phone: 505-623-6864.
Roswell Family History Center, 2201 W Country Club Road (North end of the
building), Roswell, NM 88201. Phone: 505- 624-1761
Roswell Historical Society, 100 West 11th Street, Roswell, New Mexico,
Roswell New Mexico Genealogical Group, 2604 Kentucky, Roswell, New Mexico,

Cibola County Historical
Society POB 346 Grants, NM 87020 Paul Milan
President 505-285-6611 or Randy Hoffman Vice Pres
Grants Family History
Center 1010 Bondad Ave. Grants, NM
87020 505-287-2470
Cibola Arts Council; Double Six Art
Gallery; & Museum 1001 W. Santa Fe Ave. Grants, NM 87020
Northwest New Mexico Visitor
Center1900 E. Santa Fe Ave. Grants, NM 87020

Arthur Johnson Memorial Public Library, 244 Cook Ave., Raton, New Mexico,
87740. Phone: 505-445-9711.
Cimarron Historical Society, Les Davis, Cimarron, New Mexico, 87714.
Raton Family History Center, 2136 La Mesa Drive, Raton, New Mexico, 87740.
Phone 505-445-9226.
Genealogical Club of Angel Fire, Fran Pallesen,
P.O. Box 503, Angel Fire, New Mexico, 87710.
Raton Museum, Roger Sanchez, 218 S. First, Raton, New Mexico, 87740. Phone
Santa Fe Trail Museum, Mike Taylor, 606 Maxwell Ave., Springer, New Mexico,
87747. Phone: 505-483-5554 or 505-483-0474.

High Plains Historical Foundation, 313 Prairieview, Clovis, New Mexico, 88101. Contact President,
Harold Kilmer or Don McAlavy, founding President.

Dona Ana County Historical Society, 500 North Water Street, Las Cruces, New
Mexico, 88001-1224. E-mail Beverley Pirtle.
Gadsen Historical Society, P. O. Box 147,
Mesilla, New Mexico, 88046.
Hatch Family History Center,
Las Cruces Family History Center, 3210 Venus St., Las Cruces, NM. Phone
Oral History Club, contact Archie Beckett (Elsa will send address)
Roman Catholic, Diocese of Las Cruces, 1280 Med Park, P.O. Box 16318, Las
Cruces, New Mexico, 88004.
Southern New Mexico Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 2563, Las Cruces, New
Mexico, 88004-2563. Contact Bill Wheeler.
Southern New Mexico Historical Collections at NMSU, Austin Hoover
archivist. Phone: 505-646-1543.
Thomas Branigan Library has a fine geneological
collection. Contact the
reference dept. of the Library at 200 E. Picacho, Las
Cruces, NM 88001. Phone No. 505 - 528-4005. Branigan library
subscribes to both Heritage Quest and Ancestry.com library edition. They
must be used in the library only, but it is better than paying for these
services for many people. Reference staff are trained and able to assist
with these databases.

Artesia Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 803, Artesia, New Mexico, 88210.
Artesia Historical Society, 505 West Richardson Ave., Artesia, New Mexico,
Carlsbad Family History Center, 1211 W Church St., Carlsbad, NM. Phone
Carlsbad Historical Society, 418 W. Fox St., Carlsbad, New Mexico, 88220.
Eddy County Genealogical Society, , Carlsbad, New Mexico, 88220.

Silver City Family History Center, 3755 N Swan St., Silver City, NM. Phone
City Museum , 312 W. Broadway, Silver City, New Mexico, 88061.
The e-mail for the Museum's
research library is research@silvercitymuseum.org.
The research library is only open
by appointment now.

We are still trying to locate an organization in this county.

We are still trying to locate an organization in this county.

Cotton City Family History Center, 10 miles N of Animas, NM. Phone

Hobbs Family History Research Center, 3720 N. Grimes, Hobbs, New Mexico,
88240. Phone 505-392-6200
Lea County Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 1044, Lovington, New Mexico,
Lea County Historical Society, P.O. Box 1195, Lovington, New Mexico, 88260.
Southeastern New Mexico Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 5725, Hobbs, New
Mexico, 88240.

Alto Family History Center, Miles Post 14, Alto, NM.
Carrizozo Historical Society, Box 657, Carrizozo, NM, 88301. Dues are $15
per year. Ann Buffington, President.

Los Alamos Family History Center, 1967 18th St., Los Alamos, NM. Phone

Columbus Historical Society, P.O. Box 562, Columbus, New Mexico, 88029.
Deming Family History Center, 1000 W Florida, Deming, NM. Phone
Deming Historical Society, 301 South Silver, Deming, New Mexico, 88030.

A:SHIWI A:WAN Heritage Center, P. O. Box 1009, Zuni, New Mexico,
Gallup Family History Center, 601 Susan Avenue, Gallup, New Mexico,
87301-5663. 87301-5663.
Gallup Historical Society, Inc., 300 West Historic 66 Avenue, Gallup, New
Mexico, 87301. Phone: 505-863-1363. Fax: 505-863-5680 (call first). President
Jack J. Starkovich says they have no genealogical
material, but plenty of historical information.
Ramah Family History Center, Tietjen St., Ramah,
NM. Phone 505-783-4536
Red Rock Historical Society, P.O. Box 328, Gallup, New Mexico, 87305-0328.
Roman Catholic, Diocese of Gallup, 711 S. Puerco
Dr., P.O. Box 1338, Gallup, New Mexico, 87305-1338.

Cleveland Historical Society, P. O. Box 287, Cleveland, New Mexico, 87715.

Alamogordo Family History Center, 1800 23rd St., Alamogordo, NM. Phone
Alamogordo Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 246, La Luz, New Mexico, 88337.
Tularosa Basin Historical Society,
1301 WShite Sands Blvd., Alamogordo, New Mexico, 88310. Phone 505-434-4438.

Tucumcari Family History Center, 2400 S. 9th St., Tucumcari, NM. Phone
Tucumcari Historical Research Institute, 416 S. Adams, Tucumcari, New
Mexico, 88401.
Quay County Genealogical Society, Tucumcari Public Library.

Espanola Family History Center, Corner McCurdy Rd & Fairview, Espanola,
NM. Phone 505-753-3751
Ghost Ranch Living Museum, HCR 77, Box 15, Abiquiu,
New Mexico, 87510.
Rio Arriba County Historical Society, P.O. Box 158, Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico, 87575.

Roosevelt County Historical Society, Portales, New Mexico.
Roosevelt County Genealogical Society, Portales Public Library. Contact President Jenny Hamblin
or Joyce Locke. Use P.O. Box 474,
Portales, New Mexico, 88130 for anyone who wants to use regular mail.

Aztec Museum, 125 North Main Street, Aztgec, New
Mexico, 87410. Phone: 505-334-9829
Farmington Family History Center, 400 West Apache, Farmington, New Mexico,
87401. Phone: 505-325-5813
Farmington Museum, 302 N. Orchard, Farmington, New
Mexico, 87401-6227.
San Juan County Historical Society, P. O. Box 37, Flora Vista, New Mexico,
87415-0037. President is Catherine Davis who is also Collections Manager at the
Farmington Museum.
Tracers Genealogical Society, . 1412 Anna Lane Farmington, NM 87401. Phone: 505-632-2013

Las Vegas City Historical Society, 729 Grand Ave., Las Vegas, New Mexico,
Las Vegas Family History Center, Las Vegas, NM.

Sandoval County
Historical Society. Contact Martha Liebert, P. O. Box 692, Bernalillo, NM, 87004. Phone

Santa Ana County was in existant in 1844. It was
an original county and was abolished by 1880.

Edgewood Family History Center, 2 BLKS S of I40, SR 344, Edgewood, NM.
Phone 505-281-5384
New Mexico Jewish Historical Society, P. O. Box 15598, Santa Fe, New
Mexico, 87506.
Santa Fe County Historical Society, P.O. Box 1985, Santa Fe, New Mexico,
Santa Fe Family History Center, 410 Rodeo Road, Santa Fe, NM. Phone 505-986-8254
San Iidefonso Historical Society, Route 5, Box
315-A, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501.

Geronimo Springs Museum, 221 Main St., Truth or Consequences, New Mexico,
Sierra County Genealogical
Society, direct inquery to Joan Gooding, SCGS Public Relations, c/o
Public LIbrary, P. O. Box 311, 325 Library Lane, T.
or C., New Mexico, 87901.

Socorro Family History Center, El Camino Real (Sedillo),
Socorro, NM. Phone 505-835-4806.

Kit Carson Historic Society, P.O. Drawer CCC, Taos, New Mexico, 87571.
Taos Family History Center, 235 Camino/Adobe Rd., Taos, NM. Phone
Tres Piedras Family
History Center, Highway 64, Tres Piedras,
NM. Phone 505-751-0994

Moriarity Historical Society, P.O. Box 1366, Moriarity, New Mexico, 87035.

Folsom Historical Society, Main Street, Folsom, New Mexico, 88419.
Herzstein Memorial Museum, 22 South Second,
Clayton, New Mexico, 88415. Phone: 505-375-2977.
Union County Historical Society, Clayton, New Mexico.

Grants Family History Center, 1010 Bondad Ave.,
Grants, NM. Phone 505-287-2470
Los Lunas Family History Center, 160 James St.,
Los Lunas, NM. Phone 505-865-9788
Valencia County Historical Society, 104 North First Street, Belen, New
Mexico, 87002.
Acoma Pueblo Historical Society, P. O. Box 309, Acoma Pueblo, 87034.

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Copyright © July 21, 1998
Thanks to Art Michaelis
who created the NMGenWeb Project logo.
Page Design by : Harold Kilmer