Post New Query

Before you send a "Lookup Request" or post a "Query" to anyone please read Internet Genealogy by Bettie Cummings Cook, CG.

1.Your query must include a Guadalupe County, NM connection or it will not be added.

2.Enter your query information exactly as you want it to appear. Please type all SURNAMES in capital letters. This makes it easier to read your query. Only one surname at at time or two if you include the spouse of the first name. A first name or initial must also be shown. Be sure to enter your name and email address. The addresses will be verified and if found to not be active, your query will not appear.

3. PLEASE DO NOT post requests for lookups on these queries. These should be sent directly to the person listed on the Guadalupe County Lookups Page for a specific resource.

4. Queries will be added manually for awhile. I will try to get them on as soon as possible but if you do not see yours in a couple of weeks, please submit again


6. The Subject Box should show "Guadalupe County".

Submit Query

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